Porsche yesterday announced a new program set to equip and train South African youth to become Porsche Service Mechatronics. The program will officially begin mid next year with an intake of 75 students expected. The training will not only equip the trainees to work under the Porsche Marque but also other car brands within the VW stable.
A similar project was launched in Manila, Central Asia, in 2008 to not only train underprivileged youth in the region but to also cater to the after sales needs of Porsche’s Customer base in the Middle East.
In South Africa the project will be spear headed by LSM Distributors, Porsche’s official importers and the Don Bosco Salesian Institute Youth Projects in Cape Town. LSM Distributors will provide a technical manager to assist in instructor training and by providing opportunities for some of the trainees to work at the various Porsche Centers in the country. The Salesian Institute will provide a base of operations where practical and theoretical lectures will be given.
Porsche will use various media outlets to announce when the project will be open to applicants.